The Pew Research Center recently released a poll on parenting children's mental health. It asked parents what their biggest concern was for their children. The results may surprise you.
The results revealed 76% of parents were most concerned their children were suffering or going to suffer from anxiety or depression. This is an extreme or "somewhat worrisome" concern for parents.
I wonder two things as a result of this poll. 1. Would our parents or grandparents have had that same worry for their children? 2. Once you, as a parent, recognize that this is your biggest concern for your child, what are you doing about it?
What changed in recent years that now so many of our children are suffering from anxiety and depression? More importantly, what are you doing to develop your child's confidence? What are you doing to protect your child from mental harm - either online or in the real world? Do your children understand there is a difference?
The cause of diminishing mental health could be attributed to many things - including overuse of cell phones, misuse of the internet, social media, not enough physical exercise, and more. There is no doubt, raising children in the 21st Century is much different that the generations our parents and grandparents raised.
But, the looming question remains - what are parents going to do about it? If you've recognized this is a concern for you and a concern for your children, what steps are you willing to walk out to change your children's circumstances?
Yes parents - this means you have a responsibility to change your children's life and social conditions so as to improve their mental health. It is the not the responsibility of your school's teachers, principal or superintendent. It is not the responsibility of Mark Zuckerburg. It is not the responsibility of government bureaucrats (though they might like to think so). It is solely within your charge to protect and raise well-functioning, well-adjusted adults.
And that might mean making some big changes for your family.
Don't worry; their good changes. The most prominent change I speak of is changing the way your child is educated. If the need arises, and I would argue it certainly has, are you willing and able to pull your child out of their current school environment? And if you can't afford a different option, are you equipped to educate them at home?
It is clear, your child spends the majority of their time in a school environment - surrounded by other people who aren't you. They carry their cellular phones around with them all day. They are constantly being influenced by people you may never meet or know about. If so many of our children are now having mental health declines, it makes sense the biggest factor may be the place where they spend the most time.
I'll say it again - this might mean making some big changes for your family.
Huron Academic Endeavors Cooperative is here to help protect and support your children's education and home-learning experience. HAE, and other homeschooling groups and cooperatives, are here to provide real change and real options for parents ready to take that leap. Homeschooling is a completely viable and vibrant alternative to your child's traditional education.
Break the mold. Break the statistics. Break the status quo. Hold yourself accountable for your children's mental health. You can set them free from the depressive bondage of social pressure, inflexible school schedules and uncreative systems. Consider alternative education for your children. Huron Academic Endeavors is here to help.