As we move through the summer months, parents take an inventory of their children - who are around them a lot more! When did they grow up so much over the past school year? Where did those weeks go? Are we doing enough?
We can't get back lost time. But we can get creative for the future! In the same way we watch our vegetable gardens grow over the summer, our children are taking root and bearing fruit.
How can you refocus your time? How can you rebalance your family routines? Where can you find nutrient-rich soil and plenty of sunshine to raise up your children?
Your children's education is that garden bed. And the time spent in that garden will shape your children into adulthood. Sew your deepest roots in a balanced education, flexible and personalized learning. And you will find undiscovered time and fruit you never thought you could have with your children.
Why is hybrid education so important?
Balance. Hybrid homeschooling is balanced in every aspect. Structured school days are paired with home-based learning. In-classroom instructors and parents co-teach, share lesson plans, office hours and curriculum. There is enough structure to stabilize a weekly routine without overburdensome obligations, early-morning bus stops, long school days, or mandated events.
Flexible learning. Because hybrid education is so well balanced, there is enough time and space for actual flexibility and creativity in the learning process. Travel, learn new skills, dive deeper into the core curriculum, read more books. Do school from anywhere, anytime you find an opportunity. And your hybrid program will support that time. Having designated in-person class time maximizes at-home studies more than basic busywork and homework ever could.
Personalized attention. Small class sizes allow instructors to focus on each child's needs. Home-based learning allows parents to meet their children right where they are. As we plant seeds, water, cultivate and pull the weeds, each plant grows stronger. And each will bear its own fruit! We know every person (and, therefore, each child) is different, has a unique personality. Hybrid education celebrates each fresh perspective.
Plant your educational roots in hybrid education! Sow strong seeds and bear healthy fruit. Refocus and find the balanced approach to education your family has been craving!