If you haven't noticed, there is a short Bible verse at the bottom of our website. It says simply this: "So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus." Matthew 14:29.
Why is this verse so reflective of Huron Academic Endeavors? How does it represent our organization? Why was it chosen for our website?
First, it is a story of water. Michiganders appreciate water more than anyone else! We see the beauty of the sunrise and sunset. We witness all the different shades of blue - from turquoise to the darkest navy. We feel the sand between our toes. We watch the freighters plow along. Some make their living off water. Others utilize the water for rest and relaxation. Water is important to us, and especially important to us Blue Water Michiganders.
Second, Peter is an important disciple of the Bible. He messed up more times than any other disciple. And yet, Jesus still called him. God still used him. And Peter helped build some of the first churches of the Christian faith. The Peter who denied Jesus was the same Peter who was "bold" (Acts 4:13) before the high priests and said to them, "Let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who you crucified, whom God raised from the dead - by him this man standing before you is well." (Acts 4:10). Though we all have Peter's flawed humanity, may we also have his boldness.
Third, and most important, this is a story and faith in action. Peter called out to Jesus - wanting to hear from him, wanting direction from him. Jesus commanded. Peter obeyed. And his obedience required physical action. He had to stand up. He had to walk towards the edge of the boat. He had to step over the edge of the boat. And then had had to walk to on water.
People can't walk on water. We sink. But Peter's faith made him bold enough to take action. Jesus was already walking on the water when he came to the boat with Peter on it. Jesus was already capable, proving it so, and commanding Peter do the same. Jesus doesn't ask us to take actions for things we cannot do or of which we are not capable. Peter's actions may have seemed insane to anyone watching. But, Peter's actions weren't reckless or based on make-believe notion. He was obeying the express instruction of Jesus.
It is also important to note that even within this story of faith, Peter still faltered. He took his eyes of Jesus for one moment and began to sink. He cried out to Jesus. And Jesus saved him. He was standing right there, right next to Peter. And Jesus reached out his hand.
And this is why Huron Academic Endeavors exists - the obedience of faith in action. We are Peter. We are flawed in our complete humanity. But we are taking the steps to bring this hybrid homeschool program to our community. It already has been and will continue to be blessed. We will continue to walk on the water so long as Jesus is asking us to. And we will probably start to sink along some of the way as well. That's ok. Jesus is there. Grace abounds. And we'll find ourselves on the surface again - taking more and more steps on top of the water.